If you think you have Mental Retardation(Intellectual Disability), you should be getting these symptoms. These things aren't that noticeable sometimes until your kid reaches a certain age. It could also appear during infancy. So some symptoms of this disorder is talking late or having trouble walking, difficulty remembering things, and behavior problems or tantrums. Sometimes there can also be other effects like seizures, vision problems, and mood disorders, like autism. Things that can help with this disorder is that there's special education for free through the public school system. This also includes preschoolers. For babies and toddlers, they have early intervention programs to work with parents to write an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). It includes speech therapy, family counseling, nutrition services, physical therapy, or training with special assistive devices. When helping a child with this disorder, getting the child involved with activities and talk to other parents that have children with the same situation is good way to help them out.
"Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments." WebMD. WebMD. Web.16 Feb. 2016.
"Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation) Symptoms." Psych Central. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.
"What Is an Intellectual Disability?" KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. Ed. Mary L. Gavin. The Nemours Foundation, 2014. Web. 16 Feb. 2016. <http://kidshealth.org/kid/health_problems/birth_defect/mental_retardation.html#>.
"Psychology Today." Mental Retardation. Web. 16 Feb. 2016. <https://www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/mental-retardation>.
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